My Ultimate Packing Checklist - Free Download


So you’re travelling somewhere nice. You know that feeling just before you pack when you’re running lists through you head hoping to not forget anything? Well allow me to let you in on my secret weapon, my packing checklist! This baby never failed me. Good bye worrying and hello packing an hour before going to the airport!

 Don’t believe me? Give it a try next time you travel. Download it here


 Now I never pack a bag more than a night (or even sometimes a few hours) before travelling. I also rarely, if ever, forget a thing I need!

Of course I tweak this list a little according to my destination, but the essence stays the same.


Pro Tip:

Keep a printed copy of your packing list in you carry-on so you can check it when you’re packing for you trip back home. You can also keep it in there when you store your carry-on for the next time you travel.


Since you’ll be packing soon, here are some quick tips on How to pack your jewelry for travel

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